How can I place an order?
Browse our catalogue to find a product by kind, recipient, occasion, or price range. We've made it easier than ever to browse our inventory and verify your details. It's the quickest, easiest, and safest way to order. If you have questions about your order, call us. Please send us your complete order details to our mail at
Do I have the option for cancelling my gift order once it is confirmed?
To change your order, you must not have yet received your package. Once an order has been sent, it cannot be changed.
Can I order more than one gift basket at a time to different locations?
Yes, you can place multiple bulk orders at various locations. Depending on the delivery areas and the number of baskets, this is how it works.
What are the Shipping Fees/Delivery Charges?
It totally depends on what you are ordering and the price of the product. If you don't have a time constraint to receive the product, normal delivery is free, but if you do, there will be an additional cost.
Do you deliver at Midnight?
Yes. Depending on the area, we can deliver at midnight if we have the product in stock.
What happens if the recipient is not at home when your delivery agent is at the doorstep?
If your recipient is not at home, you can do a few things. You can choose whether you want us to leave your gift at the door or leave a note with our phone number on the recipient's door for an extra fee. It's not a good idea to leave a gift at the door of an apartment building when delivering it. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us or send a mail at
Do you provide an invoice?
Yes, we do provide an invoice. Once the order is confirmed and the payment is done you will receive an invoice on your mail id.
How long will it take to process my refund?
As soon as the item is delivered to our Returns Center by the carrier, we begin processing the return. Once your return has been processed, your refund will be issued to the original form of payment.
Are there any hidden charges (Sales Tax) when I make a purchase?
When you make a purchase, you won't have to worry about any additional fees. Everything has been priced at its final, all-inclusive cost and is listed on the website. Dependent on the specifics of the delivery, there may be an additional fee.